Morning Meditation: All You Need To Know

Morning Meditation

Meditation is a unique practice where a person uses a specific technique to train their attention and awareness, clear their mind, and manage their emotional state. Meditations can vary in approach, continuation, and objectives, and yet they all share the same outcome: improved quality of personal mindfulness.

Morning meditation is among the most commonly employed variations of the practice, and there is a good reason for that. Put simply: a well-planned and consistent morning meditation routine is an intelligent solution to balance your physical and mental wellbeing – at your own pace, and from the comfort of your home.

According to Mellowed, only 14% of people around the globe meditate on a regular basis. The ones who still hadn’t tried the practice point out some main reasons behind that fact:

  • 33% of them don’t know how to do it properly;
  • 27% of them don’t have enough time;
  • 25% of them don’t believe it’s beneficial;
  • 15% of them have other reasons for choosing not to meditate.

In the paragraphs below, we will try to offer an answer and a solution to all frequently claimed obstacles for engaging in morning meditation. Because we believe that no goal is unachievable when you are informed and prepared well enough about it!

Why is it good to meditate in the morning?

Nowadays, people are increasingly conscious about time planning and need proof of effectiveness before engaging in any extra activity as a part of their daily routine.

We believe that might be a bit of a problem itself, and yet we have gathered a bunch of fact-packed benefits of morning meditation to help you make the decision of a lifetime.

  • Research suggests that people who meditate rank higher in the Pemberton Happiness Index (PHI) No, their lives hadn’t changed – but their perspective certainly did.
  • Meditation practitioners report a significant improvement in their abilities to focus and concentrate on daily tasks. What’s more: the longer the meditation, the better the focus.
  • Regular meditation improves the quality of sleep naturally and in the long run. As a result, you will enjoy healthier sleeping habits and an improved mental state throughout the day.
  • Meditating every day or even a few times per week can help battle different mental conditions. Reports show an improvement in patients with depression, addictions, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even autism.
  • Meditation can enhance your decision-making abilities, boost your self-esteem, and even improve your romantic life – both in matters of emotional and physical interaction with your significant other.
  • Meditating in the morning can also relieve some physical discomforts, such as back pain, high blood pressure, asthma, PMS, obesity, and heart disease.
  • Positive morning meditation will increase your general awareness of yourself and the choices you make. It will help you embrace a healthier lifestyle and take better care of your body and your soul alike.
  • Last but not least – it is easy, pleasant, gratifying, and absolutely free! All you need to do is take the courage to make the change you’ve needed all along.

Research suggests that the perfect time to meditate is early in the morning before engaging in any other physical or mental activity. The reason? It gives you an entirely different perspective on every little thing that life has to offer you that day.

And the good news? We are here to help you understand and plan the perfect morning meditation routine.

What are the different types of morning meditation?

There are tens of meditation practices to choose from – each of them focusing your attention on a different aspect of yourself and the world around you. You are absolutely free to choose whichever suits your needs, your beliefs, and your attitude towards life.

Some of the most common morning meditation types include:


  • Focused meditation – one of the best meditation practices for stress relief, which is also very suitable for beginners. Instead of clearing your mind without a specific focal point (which is way more challenging than it sounds), focused meditation is about concentrating your awareness on a chosen object, sound, or sensation.
  • Visualization meditation – a style that’s about focusing on an imaginary thing rather than a tangible one. In visualization, you are expected to think about an event, a person, or a goal that creates positive sensations. You have to imagine your thing vividly and let it bring you relaxation, harmony, and peace.
  • Mindfulness meditation – the act of trying to discern your immediate reality in the present moment without any subjective judgment. Mindfulness is about observing your world, yourself, your feelings, and your thoughts without getting involved with them. This technique roots in Buddhism and can significantly boost your general levels of awareness.
  • Mantra meditation – the use of a repetitive sound, word, or phrase as a means to clear the mind and unwind. No, it doesn’t necessarily have to be “Om”, and it doesn’t matter if you murmur it quietly or be as loud as you need to be. It’s all about you.
  • Spiritual meditation – a means for believers to reconnect with what they believe in – be it God, the Universe, or whatever you call it. Spiritual meditation is in many ways similar to a prayer – a reach-out for a deeper connection, worship, and spiritual growth.

There are also many other morning meditation styles to explore deeper, including movement meditation, skilful compassion, progressive relaxation (also called body scan meditation), transcendental meditation, loving-kindness meditation, etc.

As you may have already suggested, not every style is suitable for everyone. So – do your little research and engage in what feels right for you – because that’s the only way to have a healthy and rewarding morning meditation routine.

How long does a morning meditation take?

Theoretically speaking, a meaningful morning meditation can last anywhere between 5 and 60+ minutes, depending on your schedule and personal preferences.

Back to practice, Mellowed reports the following statistics regarding the average duration of a morning meditation routinŠµ among respondents:

  • 47% of people meditate between 15 and 30 minutes;
  • 41% of people engage in 5 to 15 minutes of meditation;
  • 12% of people have 30 to 60 minutes of meditation sessions;
  • 1% of people meditate 60 minutes or more per session.

Morning Meditation-Duration

So the short answer is: there is no right or wrong thing to do. 5 minutes of morning meditation, 10 minutes morning meditation, or 60 minutes morning meditation – it’s all up to you.

How to start your own morning meditation routine?

If you lack the knowledge, the experience, and the time to dig deeper into the subject yourself – don’t worry! There are plenty of accessible ways to get the guidance you need and build a meaningful meditation routine to begin your day with.

Some useful digital channels to research and get yourself suitable session guidance include:

  • Specialized apps for guided morning meditation that cover various meditation styles with detailed instructions for both beginners and advanced individuals.
  • YouTube morning meditation videos and channels with explicit guidance on the process and tips to staying focused on it.
  • Morning meditation music to help you keep up with your assigned meditation tasks once you are familiar enough with what you’re doing.

Little by little and step by step, you can reach out to more comprehensive resources, such as spiritual texts, popular literature, and even scientific research on the process of meditation.

The more you practice, the more you’ll need to know. And the more you know – the more you’ll need to practice. That’s a good kind of wicked circle to potentially result in making your skin a better place to be in.


Tips to overcome obstacles to morning meditation?

Finally – here is a little something to help you battle your excuses for not even giving morning meditation a chance until today.

So, here are some things that you’ve been probably telling yourself and that are not entirely true.

I don’t have the time?” Yes, you do have the time – only you choose to spend it differently. As of 2020, the average person spends about 2 hours and 24 minutes per day on social media. You can safely make them 2 hours and 14 minutes without doing any harm.

I don’t have the place.” Suppose you really don’t have two square meters of space in your home. In that case, you can easily meditate virtually anywhere – on the grass outside, in any given fitness hall, or while sitting in your bed.

I don’t have the right environment.” Well, that is actually a legit one since the environment is so much more important than space when it comes to meditation. If you’re constantly surrounded by noisy and demanding family members, children, pets, and so on – that’s a challenge. Yet you can give it a try by waking up earlier and having those 10 precious minutes for yourself only.

I can’t focus.” That’s precisely the point, isn’t it? You will feel challenged and frustrated at first, but once you manage to control your thoughts and emotions, you will gradually start enjoying all the benefits to come.

Are you feeling motivated enough already? Because chance is just around the corner, and you’re absolutely capable of making the most out of it.

For more tips on how to boost your well-being check out our article What are the benefits of deep breathing exercises?


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