5 Small Steps To Save Water

How to save water – 5 small steps

Saving water is not that hard. It means changing a few steps in your daily routine that could make a difference in the long run.

This step towards a better planet doesn’t require extra effort like recycling or shopping sustainably. You could do it anywhere from your kitchen to your toilet/bathroom.

While it might be easier said than done, in the steps below, check out our suggestions on making Mother Earth happier. With each gallon of water we conserve, we save energy and reduce carbon pollution.

1.Turn off the water while brushing your teeth

This is often stressed in eco commercials and general advice on saving water, but it’s actually true. How many times have you let the sink run while you’re brushing your teeth? Why are we doing this? To save some turns of the sink knobs? It sounds ridiculous.

We are guilty of doing that even when doing the dishes. While scrubbing one pot, the water is running. This is not only a poor way of using water but also it leads to more significant bills at the end of the month. Let’s put that into numbers. Each non-running sink saves up to 200 gallons of water per month.

2.Shorten your shower time

Being in the shower is one of those mini-spa moments we have for ourselves at the beginning and at the end of each day. It’s the mini rituals of washing your body and hair and letting all the stress go down the drain. How many times do we let the shower run on full speed while we’re singing Mariah Carey songs with a shampoo for a microphone? Too many, we’re afraid. Next time while you’re letting your conditioner set in your hair, turn off the water. And when you’re scrubbing your body, turn it off again.

How to save water 5 small steps

Don’t get us started on how much water is wasted on taking baths. For example, a showerhead wastes 2.5 gallons per minute. This roughly can add up to 25 gallons for 10 minutes. A full bath can use 70 gallons. Think about that next time before you hop in for a shower/bath.


3.Check your property for leaks regularly

Leaking faucets and pipes can not only damage your home and erupt into a full flood, but they also contribute to wasting water. You should call in specialists if you suspect any leaks coming through to check on your home regularly. If you can’t notice any excessive water anywhere at your home, you can do several things.

  • Firstly, check your water usage bills to see any uncommon increase. If nothing out of the ordinary has happened this month water-wise and your bill is out of the window, it’s probably a hidden leak.
  • Secondly, if you see a weird water pressure drop when you’re showering or taking a bath, it’s also a sign. Check all your appliances and book someone to figure out the missing piece of the puzzle.

4.Reuse some of your water to water your plants

Throwing perfectly good water back in the drain is so painful to watch. To omit that pain, you can do a couple of things to collect the water for watering your plants later. We have a couple of suggestions on how to do that.

How to save water 5 small steps

If you’re living in a house, you can install a rain barrel to divert the roof runoff water into your garden. This way, you won’t need your hose if the climate is particularly rainy right now.

Another way is to collect the cold water in the shower before the heating system heats it up. Take a bucket and put it under the shower. Once you’re done with showering, you can go and water the indoor plants.

How to save water 5 small steps

Three other mini tricks include reusing ice, veggie and pasta water, and the classic one- reusing the water from your aquarium. The latter is the best since it has so many good nutrients for the plants, and it acts as a great fertilizer.

These are some basic steps, but you can find other options for sure.

5.Only run full loads of dishes and clothes

This is our last golden rule on the quest to save water. You must run your dishwasher and your washing machine ONLY if you have a full load. Never use 1 or 2 plates and 3 T-shirts to go into the appliances. Once you have them all filed, it’s time to get to work.

These are all of our suggestions at the moment. Feel free to apply them to your daily routine and research for other ways you can save water. After all, this planet is our home, and we must keep it clean and nice as long as possible.



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